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In my day job I work as a Club Business Manager for Scottish Gymnastics.  I have worked in sport now for nearly 20 years. My expertise lies in governance and leadership and my passion is in supporting women to realise their potential.


I have dedicated a lot of my energy to supporting women who are on a leadership journey: facilitating networking events, delivering on programmes such as the Scottish Gymnastics Leadership Academy and on an individual 1-2-1 basis with mentoring. I meet too many women who are struggling to find a good balance in their lives and so many who have confidence issues just not believing in themselves enough. I have made it my mission to change this, showing women how they can step into their power...

One of my favourite bits of this work is using Floyd Woodrow's Compass for Life to help women identify a north star for themselves - a goal, something to work towards. I then support them to identify the steps towards making that dream come true. The best part - following the journey with them and seeing the change as they grow and manifest the life that they really want!

If this is something that is of interest to you then please contact me and I am happy to meet up for a coffee and chat and see if I can help...

Away from the formal working environment I walk a shamanic path... I have a deep connection with the cosmos and regularly receive guidance from the spirit world...

I meditate daily - and for me that doesn't mean sitting cross-legged really still somewhere. I practice mindfulness and so can meditate anywhere, anytime. It is a process of stilling my thoughts, concentrating on my breathing and generally listening deeply to the world around me. Meditating outside is the best!

I manifest with the moon, following cycles, drawing oracle cards and holding rituals. 

I am clear on my values which really helps when annually I set my intentions using a mindmap. 

Interested in the process? Then contact me for more information...

Intentions 2021.jpg

Nature is where I feel home... Whether that is beach, forest, mountains or meadows... Experiences are best when accompanied by my mini Stone...

I dabble in a bit of bodyboarding, I like to walk and am getting back into running, all activities connecting me closer to Mother Earth. 


I love talking to trees... These amazing creatures have great stories to tell if you listen!

I'm a fire spirit who takes guidance from spirit animals. Phoenix, Coyote, Fox and Raven playing an important part on my journey to date... I also love spending time with real animals. We have a hamster but I feed the wild birds and am drawn to horses.. I feel a dog coming to join me in the future so watch this space! 

If learning more about this interests you then please get in touch...


I write... Sometimes on a theme a blog post unfolds - observations from the world and bringing together quotes and inspiration from elsewhere and sometimes it is poetry that captures my thoughts and feelings at a particular time... I'm also underway with two very different books and have a dream to be a published author!


I am a bit of a magpie collecting lots of 'interesting things' (pictures / quotes / magazine clippings etc) and collate them together in scrapbooks.


Check out my Blog for examples of my work.

I also love books... My house is full of them! You will find a list of current inspiration on the Reading page.

My love of storytelling has also led me to be invited into my boy's school to read books to the younger classes... And yes I am that crazy Mum who loves to dress up! Oh for the day when I can read my own stories to them...

One of my values is Inspiring Others and following this passion I host a group on Facebook entitled Inspiring Circle for Wise Women. (Previously we used to meet in person in Glasgow and in East Lothian) The group is designed to be a space of inspiration and chat... A space where women can truly be authentic to the real version of themselves... I post bits of inspiration and book reviews and anything else that I feel is a fit... But this group is not just about me so members are encouraged to post things so we can get some great interaction going...

Feel like joining a group of like-minded authentic women? Check it out here.

My life is a work in progress... So as things continue to evolve there may be changes or additions here...

If you feel any synergy then get in touch... I'd love to hear from you!

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